Post by SlotolutionPost by Bro. GMO's Portfolio Manager
Sir, your brudder and hero Rio Ferdinand is a complete twat.
I bet you and your fellow NWO Stooge and Shamina Begum loving twat Nigel
Farage were there along with Ferdinand and Neville !!!
I will ask my good friend Avi if he came across you deviants !!!
Bwhehehehehe :-) :-) :-)
So a certain news presenter can openly call for a radical revolution in
Britain and spout *racist* *transphobic* hate and no one in government
or the @metpoliceuk are not doing anything to stop this hate crime?
@bbcquestiontime #bbcqt
Transalution/Emily *SMOKES* his/her/itself out as a WOKE BAME LGBTQ+
Trannie *FREAK* on Twitter/X! YCMIU! 🤣
No Surrender, No Surrender, No Surrender To The Thawe Crime Family